Meet the creators

Alan Foster - AFS Video

Video production for more than two decades

Founder and principal Alan Foster has a degree in filmmaking from Rice University and more than 20 years experience working in feature filmmaking and video production.

Before starting his own production company in 1994, Foster worked for Safety Shorts Productions, an internationally recognized safety video production company, as well as work on numerous feature films.

Today AFS Video Production offers small to large corporate clients a complete range of video services.

AFS Video has worked with clients from a variety of industries, including Oil and Gas, Construction, Finance, Medical, Manufacture, Aircraft, Industrial Repair, Software, Real Estate, Education and Government, as well as Retail and the Nonprofit sector.

Clients include: Siemens, Spectra Energy, R&R Scaffolding, SAP, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Forge USA, Duke Energy, Westinghouse,, XSERV, TomorrowNow, Independence Harley Davidson, Bullen Pump and Equipment, CMS Energy/Southern Union Company, Ciscon Systems, Consulate of Angola, R. Hassel Builders, Safety Shorts Productions, Rice University and Texas Southern University.

Email us at, or better yet, call us at 713.863.8038 for a quick answer to your video related questions.

Helen Altman - Visual Artist

Artist's Statement

Many of my works use commonplace materials and objects. I respond to readymade objects that are often discards or flawed in some obvious way. Alterations in these familiar things elevate them and draw parallels to our own human predicament.

I am also interested in mimics and replicas. It is a happy moment for me when I can create objects that are simultaneously convincing and yet blatantly absurd in their obvious artificiality.

About the Artist

Helen Altman was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She earned her BFA, in 1981, her MA in 1986, both at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, and her MFA, from the University of North Texas, Denton, in 1989.

Her work is in the permanent collections of the Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont, TX; the Dallas Museum of Art; the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, CA; the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX; the Sarah Moody Gallery of Art, the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL.

Helen currently resides in Fort Worth, TX, with her four dogs. To contact Helen or for more detailed information on individual works, email the artist at

Julie Thibodeaux - Julie's Organic Content

Julie Adams Thibodeaux was born and raised in a creative family in Arlington, Texas. She learned about words and language from her professor father, decorating from her homemaking mother and art, books and music from her older siblings, who both became teachers.

In college, she studied studio art and liberal arts, including creative writing, English and French literature and filmmaking, before graduating with a degree in art history from the University of Texas at Arlington.

Post graduation, she developed her journalism skills through self-study and real-world experience while working at a publishing company.

Since 1996, she has been employed in the publishing industry as a copy editor, writer and managing editor for a variety of publications. Most recently, she developed a niche as a writer on green topics, including sustainable living, environmental issues and local green trends.

Julie lives in Fort Worth, Texas with her husband, Karl - a photographer, graphic designer and administrator for First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church - and their five gifted cats.

Julie is currently managing editor for GreenSourceDFW. Since she has a job she loves, she is currently not seeking freelance work, but I wanted to share some of the large variety of work she has done in the past.

Karl Thibodeaux - Photography & Graphic Design

Hello, my name is Karl and this site is set up to help promote the endeavors of my creative friends. I came to the conclusion a while back that it is much easier to promote the work of others than it is to promote my own (thought I still do a little of that, too). Another thing I have learned is getting information and updates from creative people can be very difficult. Therefore, since I'm hosting these sites, I'm going to try my hand at promoting them also. Please take a moment to look at everyone's pages and you will find excellent work in a variety of media. Thanks for stopping by.

Rich Gaca - Visual Artist

“As an artist, I am compelled to give an honest rendition of the model but also try to capture the personality of the individual. A person’s face in its entire nuance is an endless source of inspiration.”

The Artist

Richard Gaca was born in Detroit, Michigan in 1953. Since a very early age he has been interested in art.

Richard attended various universities and art colleges throughout the country. The main subject matter of his artwork is the human figure and portraiture. He unwaveringly finds the human face intriguing and remains challenged by its diversity. Printmaking is the medium for most of the images. On occasion his artwork is three dimensional.

Richard is married and lives with his family in Keller, Texas.

The Work

“Richard Gaca’s medium is printmaking. Natural light and a setting in nature help him create his images. Time is suspended, if just for a moment, to visually document the inner circle of a particular sitter or subject. The direct, labor intensive method of the process allows Richard to give a unique fresh, less formalized image.

“Richard’s labor intensive printmaking techniques include mezzotint, chiaroscuro woodcut and cyanotype. He uses the mezzotint printmaking technique for his black and white prints. The method has the capability of capturing elusive nuances of value and tonality. It’s a rather unique intaglio method that produces sublime, velvety blacks to radiant highlights.

“For some of his color prints Richard uses the chiaroscuro woodcut technique. With this ancient technique he strives to create a psychological tension that is inherent in the individual. The technique allows him to create an illusion of depth and character.”


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